How It Works And To Be Activated

How It Works And To Be Activated

How It Works

Cooling Towel How It Works

The participants were looking to give a try to test  cooling towel . Right away, they choose light weighted,soft feeling microfiber towel. Do as instructions indicated: get it wet, wring it out, and give it a few snaps.

Although it starts to cool down right away, the instructions say to wait a couple of minutes for the effects to really set in.

“It’s cold! It’s cold,” the testers said.

The testing group tried it with another towel, and it was cool too. In fact, both stayed cold even after several minutes and a lot of handling by hot, sweaty people.

The commercial explains, “The fiber weave technology of the towel is actually regulating the water that’s on the inside, so it’s treating it kind of like an air-conditioner, and within seconds you get a cold towel.”

“The towels stay chilled for hours, and can be re-activated by wetting, wringing, and snapping as needed,and can be used in walking and gardening, watching outdoor sports, and more”

How To Be Activated

How To Activate Cooling Towel

  • Step 1: Soak it with water
  • Step 2: Wring out any excess moisture
  • Step 3: Grasp both ends and pull apart to snap the fabric and initiate cooling
  • To reactivate when wet: simply snap it again
  • To reactivate when dry: repeat steps 1-3